Surgery Department of Surgery (Email Id: surg.pgims@hry.nic.in)
Working Schedule of DEPARTMENT OF surgERY
1. Specialized
services being provided by the department ·
Endoscopic Surgery - Yes ·
Paediatric Surgery - Separate
department ·
Urological Surgery - -do- ·
Burns - -do- ·
Plastic Surgery - -do- 2. Special
diagnostic facilities being provided by the department No. 3. Special
clinics being run by the department on their respective days: 1. Thyroid Disease 2. Infertility clinic 3. Pancreatic diseases 4. Venous & Burger’s disease 5. Hepatobiliary surgery 6. Upper & Lower G.I endoscopy 7. General/Open Urology 8. Upper GI Endoscopy 9. Head & Neck Oncology 10. Breast
Ashish, Prashad Sanjeev, Karwasra RK, Gogna Shekhar Management of Parotid
Fistula/Sinus with sodium Tetradecyl sulphate. International journal of
enhanced research in medicines & dental case Vol 1, Issue 10 Dec. 2014 Pages
27-29 NATIONAL 1. B.K. Arora,
S. Parshad, R K Karwasra, V Saroha. Femoral pseudoaneurysm in drug addicts:
Hunterian ligation still a gold standard. JIMA 2011; 109: 433-4. 2. Arora
BK, Parshad Sanjeev, Karwasra RK, Yadav Anand, Tripathi Mayank, Singh
Surender. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a patient with portal cavernoma.
Indian Hernia Society
Newsletter May 2012, Vol. 6, No.2. 3. Babita
J, Kumar N, Karwasra RK, Malik JS, Singh M, Kaur A. Reproductive risk factors
associated with breast carcinoma in a tertiary care institute of north India:
A case control study. 4. Indian
Journal of Cancer / July-Sept 2012/vol 49/issue 3. 5. BK
Arora, Samir Anand, Shekhar Gogna, Sanjeev Parshad, RK Karwasra. Semiclosed
haemorrhoidectomy under pudental block: Day Surgery. Day Surgery Journal of
India. 2013-14;10:7-10. 6. BK
Arora, Samir Anand, Shekhar Gogna, Sanjeev Parshad, RK Karwasra. Ganglion of
wrist: Minimum invasive treatment by loop suture. Day Surgery Journal of
India. 2013-14;10:19-21. 7. Roop
Singh, Paritosh Gogna, Sanjeev Parshad, Rajender Kumar Karwasra, Parmod Kumar
Karwasra, Kiranpreet Kaur.Video-assisted thoracic surgery for tubercular
spondylitis. Minimally Invasive Surgery. Volume 2014, Article ID 963497, 8
pages 8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/963497 9. Arora
BK, Karwasra RK, Anand Samir, Bansal Vishal, Gupta Ashish, Singh Jeevan,
Sarwa P. Asymptomatic presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in an
adult. ATCVSI News Letter – 2013;10:3. 10. Arora
BK, Karwasra RK, Anand Samir, Bansal Vishal, Gupta Ashish. Massive
superficial varicocities of great saphenous vein due to valvular aplasia.
ATCVSI News Letter – 2013;9:4. 11. Arora
BK, Karwasra RK, Anand Samir, Bansal Vishal, Gupta Ashish, Sarwa P. Calcium
doebisilate in treatment of varicose ulcers. ATCVSI News Letter – 2013;10:5. 12. Verma
Surender, Karwasra RK, Garg Pradeep, Verma Anjali, Godara Rajesh, Yadav
Sunil, Naveen. Pattern of trauma at a Government tertiary care teaching
hospital of Haryana.J of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; vol.3,Issue 26, June 30; Page:7143-49. 13. Tripathi
Mayank, Karwasra RK, Parshad Sanjeev. Effect of Preoperative Vitamin D
deficiency on postoperative hypocalcemia after thyroid surgery. Thyroid
research 2014, 7:8 14. Tripathi
Mayank, Yadav Rajesh, Karwasra RK, Prashad Sanjeev. The enigma of removing a
chest tube in Thoracic trauma DOI 10.1007/12055-015-0363.8 DR.M.S.GRIWAN, INTERNATIONAL 1.
Griwan MS, Kumar A, Sen J, Singh SK.
Comparative evaluation of Periprostatic Nerve Block and Diclofenac Patch in
case of Transrectal ultrasound guided prostatic needle biopsy. Nephro-Urol.
(Mon 2012:4 (3):560-4, DOI:10,5812/numonthly,4015) 2.
Singh SK, Kumar A, Griwan MS, Sen J.
Comparative evaluation of periprostatic Nerve block with and without
intraprostatic Nerve block in Transrectal ultrasound guided Prostatic Needle
Biopsy. Korean J. Urol. (2012,53:547-551) 3.
Pal Naresh, Griwan Mahabir S, Anubhav, Ahari
Pranay. Large mesenteric cyst arising form mesentry of sigmoid. Case report
& review of literature. International Journal of enhanced Research in medicine &
Dental care Vol. 3, Issue 2 , 2016 4.
Chawla H, Yadav RK, Griwan MS, Malhotra R,
Paliwal PK. Sensitivity and specificity of CT Scan in revealing skull
fracture in medicolegal head injury victims. Australasian Medical Journal
(2015; 8 (7):235-238 http3dxdo.org/10.4066/AMJ.2015,2478) 5.
Griwan MS, Karthykeyan YR, Kumar M, Singh BJ,
Singh SK. Comparative evaluation of Naftopidil and Tamsulosin in the
treatment of patients with lower urinary tract symptoms with benign prostatic
Hyperplasis. Urology Annals (2014
July, 6 (3):181-6. 6.
Kumar A, Griwan MS, Pal N. Spontaneous colonic
perforation – rare presentation Journal of Surgical Academia 2013;3 (1)41-43.
A Bansal, S Rabha, M Griwan, Y Karthikeyan.
Comparative evaluation of preservation versus elective division of
ilioinguinal nerve in open mesh repair of inguinal hernia. The Internet
Journal of Surgery (2013 vol.30 Number-1 8.
Bansal AR, Griwan MS, Karthikeyan YR, Singh
SK. Vanished kidney by Peripheral Nerve sheath tumour :
A rare case report. Nephrology-Urology Monthly (2013 vol 5 issue 3:843-6) 9.
Kumar A, Griwan MS, Singh SK, Sen J, Pawar DS.
Is periprostatic nerve block a gold standard in case of transcrectal
ultrasound guided prostate biopsy ? Urology Annals
(2013:5152-6) 10.
Bansal AR, Saini OP, Griwan MS, Karthikeyan
YR. Evaluation of tissue adhesive as alternativae to conventional closure
methods in inguinal hernia repair. East and central African Journal of
Surgery (Nov/Dec.2012 vol 17 (3):19-25) NATIONAL 1.
Yadav RK, Griwan MS, Paliwal PK Aggarwal AD.
Diagnostic utility of conventional radiography in Head inury. Journal of
clinical & diagnostic Research (2015 Jun vol 9 (6):TC13-TC 15 2.
Griwan MS, Singh BJ, Kar. thikeyan YR, Pal N,
Lohchab SS. Isolated vertebral artery injury secondary to suicidal neck stab.
Indian Journal of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery (July-Sep 2013) 29
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abscess – a report of 2 cases . The Internet J Surg 2012;28: No 3. 2.
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S, Mittal S, Verma S. Various presentations of gangrenous cholecystitis and
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Garg P , Bhoriwal S, Rathee V S , Verma S, Mittal S, Narang A,
Agarwal S,. Right paraduodenal hernia causing acute intestinal obstruction
leading to perforation. The Internet J Surg 2012;28: No 3. 4.
Garg P, Verma S, Mittal S, Rathee
V S. Gastric rupture at the fundus – a rare presentation after blunt trauma
of the abdomen.The Internet J Gastroenterol 2012;
11: No 1. 5.
Bhoriwal S , Garg P, Singla S, Rathee V S, Verma S, Mittal S, Aggarwal S,
Narang A. Fauxing epithelial adrenal cyst : a case report. The Internet J
Urol 2012;9: No 4. 6.
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Garg G . Eosiniphilic Cholecystitis mimicking adenomyomatosis
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Garg P , Verma S , Mittal S, Rohilla P. Accidental complete
avulsion of penoscrotum and bilateral testes : a misery of illiteracy. The
Internet J Urology 2012;9: No 4. 9.
S, Garg P, Singla S, Rathee V S,
Verma S, Mittal S, Aggrawal S, Narang A.
Solitary Lymphangioma of the Spleen : a case
report. The Internet J Gastroenterol 2012;11: No 2. 10.
S, Garg P, Verma S, Narang A,
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Aberrant cystic artery causing peudo-bilobed gall bladder: an unknown
entity. The Internet J Gastroenterol 2013;Vol 13: No
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K, Garg P, Aggarwal S, Narang A,
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S, Garg P, Bhoriwal S, Narang A,
Verma S, Mittal S, Rathee VS, Verma N, Yadav S. Rare squamous cell carcinoma
in a Psoriatic patient – management challenge. The Internet J Dermatology 2013;Vol 11: No 1 13.
S, Garg P, Bhoriwal S, Rathee VS, Verma
S, Mittal S, narang A, Kaushik K, Singh J. Branchial Cyst in the midline of
the neck : A first case report in the literature.
The Internet J of Otorhinolaryngology 2013: Vol 15: No 1. 14.
J, Garg P, Verma S, Aggarwal S,
Narang A, Rathee V, Kaushik K, Verma N, Yadav S K. Schwannoma ( Neurilemmoma ) as Parotid Tumor – a rare presentation.
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K,Singh J, Verma N, Verma S, Godara R, Garg P. Adult
right sided Bochdalek hernia containing perforated colon – unusual case.
Hellenic J Surg 2014 . 16.
N, Yadav S, Gupta S, Tamaknand V, Godara R , Garg P.
Why total splenectomy is better choice than conservative surgey in splenic
cysts? International J of Surg and Med 2015;1(2): DOI : 10:5455/ijsm 17.
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N, garg P. Duplication of Gallbladder – rare entity treated laparoscopically.
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R, Bansal A R, Verma s, Yadav S, Verma N, Gupta S, Tamaknanad V and Garg P . Direct trocar insertion without the pneumoperitoneum
in laparoscopic surgery – is this a safe technique? Hellenic J Surgery 2015;
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H, Verma N, Arora B, Batra R, Garg D, Garg Pradeep, Kamal H. Profile of
complication of thyroid surgery. Int J of Enhancd Research in Medicine &
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S, Pawanjit, Garg P, Nityasha , Kant K . Supracath – a life saving catheter.
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Rectal perforation by bamboo stick – A case report. Ind J of Research and
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, Aggarwal S. Adult intussusceptions : case series. Ind J of Research and
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S. Internal jugular vein thrombosis : an uncommon presentation.
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Kaushik K. Sigmoid perforation due to LPG. J evolution of Medical
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2. Vashist MG, Singla A, Malik V, Verma
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Collaborator in Determinant-based classification of acute pancreatitis severity: an
international multidisciplinary consultation. Dellinger
EP, Forsmark CE, Layer P, Lévy P, Maraví-Poma
E, Petrov MS, Shimosegawa
T, Siriwardena
AK, Uomo G, Whitcomb DC, Windsor JA; Pancreatitis
Across Nations Clinical Research and Education Alliance (PANCREA).
Ann Surg. 2012 Dec;256(6):875-80.
doi: 10.1097/SLA.0b013e318256f778. 10. Marwah S, Gurawalia J. Young male
presenting with features of pneumonitis. Saudi J Gastroenterol. 2013;19:96-7. 11. Massimo
Sartelli, Fausto Catena, Luca Ansaloni, Ernest
Moore, Mark Malangoni,George Velmahos, Raul Coimbra, Kaoru
Koike, Ari Leppaniemi, Walter Biffl, Zsolt Balogh, Cino
Bendinelli, Sanjay Gupta, Yoram Kluger, Ferdinando
Agresta,Salomone Di Saverio, Gregorio Tugnoli, Elio
Jovine, Carlos Ordonez, Carlos Augusto Gomes, Gerson Alves
Pereira Junior, Kuo-Ching Yuan, Miklosh Bala, Miroslav P
Peev, Yunfeng Cui, Sanjay Marwah et al.
Complicated intra-abdominal infections in a worldwide context: an observational
prospective study (CIAOW Study): Review. World
Journal of Emergency Surgery 2013, 8:1 doi:10.1186/1749-7922-8-1.
12. Marwah N, Rana S, Jain P, Gupta S, Marwah
S, Sen R. A Fine Needle Aspiration Study of the Abdominal Cutaneous and
Subcutaneous Nodules. Iranian Journal of Pathology. 2013, 8 (2), 97 –
103. 13. Massimo
Sartelli, Pierluigi Viale, Fausto Catena, Luca Ansaloni, Ernest Moore, Mark
Malangoni, Frederick A Moore, George Velmahos, Raul Coimbra, Rao Ivatury,
Andrew Peitzman, Kaoru Koike, Ari Leppaniemi, Walter Biffl, Clay Cothren
Burlew, Zsolt J Balogh, Ken Boffard, Cino Bendinelli, Sanjay Gupta, Yoram
Kluger, Ferdinando Agresta, Salomone Di Saverio, Imtiaz Wani, Alex Escalona, Carlos
Ordonez, Gustavo P Fraga, Gerson Alves Pereira Junior, Miklosh Bala, Yunfeng
Cui, Sanjay Marwah, et al. 2013
WSES guidelines for management of intra-abdominal infections. World Journal
of Emergency Surgery 2013, 8:3. doi:10.1186/1749-7922-8-3 14. Marwah
S, Shivaran KD, Gurawalia J.
Spontaneous Rupture of Pseudopancreatic Cyst Causing Massive Pleural Effusion: Case report. International Journal of Case Reports in
Medicine. Vol. 2013 (2013), Article ID 832910, 4 pages, DOI:
10.5171/2013.832910 15. Marwah
S, Gurawalia J, Sagu R, Marwah N. Congenital duodenal diaphragm in an
adult masquerading superior mesenteric artery syndrome. Clinical J Gastroenterol. 2013; 6: 217-220. DOI: 10.1007/s12328-013-0382-1. 16. Yoram
Kluger, Offir Ben-Ishay, Massimo Sartelli, Luca Ansaloni, Ashraf E Abbas,
Ferdinando Agresta, Walter L Biffl, Luca Baiocchi, Miklosh Bala, Fausto
Catena, Raul Coimbra, Yunfeng Cui, Salomone Di Saverio, Koray Das, Tamer El
Zalabany, Gustavo P Fraga, Carlos Augusto Gomes, Ricardo Alessandro Teixeira
Gonsaga, Jakub Kenig, Ari Leppäniemi, Sanjay
Marwah, Gerson Alves Pereira Junior, Boris Sakakushev, Boonying
Siribumrungwong, Norio Sato, Cristian Tranà, Nereo Vettoretto, Ernest E
Moore. World society of emergency surgery study group initiative on Timing of
Acute Care Surgery classification (TACS). World Journal of Emergency Surgery
2013 8:17. doi:10.1186/1749-7922-8-17 17. Marwah S, Gurawalia
JP, Sheoran KD, Marwah N, Gupta S, Ranga HR. Malignant peripheral nerve
sheath tumor of the colon in a patient with von Recklinghausen’s disease:
report of a case. Clin J Gastroenterol. 2013. DOI 10.1007/s12328-013-0422-x 18. Massimo
Sartelli1*, Federico Coccolini2, Gabrielle H van Ramshorst3, Giampiero
Campanelli4, Vincenzo Mandalà5, Luca Ansaloni2, Ernest E Moore6, Andrew Peitzman7,
George Velmahos8, Fredrick Alan Moore9, Ari Leppaniemi10, Clay Cothren
Burlew6, Walter Biffl6, Kaoru Koike11, Yoram Kluger12, Gustavo P Fraga13,
Carlos A Ordonez14, Salomone Di Saverio15, Ferdinando Agresta16, Boris
Sakakushev17, Igor Gerych18, Imtiaz Wani19, Michael D Kelly20, Carlos Augusto
Gomes21, Mario Paulo Faro Jr22, Korhan Taviloglu23, Zaza Demetrashvili24, Jae
Gil Lee25, Nereo Vettoretto26, Gianluca Guercioni27, Cristian Tranà1, Yunfeng
Cui28, Kenneth YY Kok29, Wagih M Ghnnam30, Ashraf El-Sayed Abbas30, Norio
Sato11, Sanjay Marwah et al. WSES guidelines for emergency repair of
complicated abdominal wall hernias. Review.
World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2013, 8:50
doi:10.1186/1749-7922-8-50 19. Collaborator
in [Determinant-based classification
of acute pancreatitis severity. International multidisciplinary
classification of acute pancreatitis severity: the 2013 German edition]. [Article
in German] Layer P, Dellinger
EP, Forsmark CE, Lévy P, Maraví-Poma
E, Shimosegawa
T, Siriwardena
AK, Uomo G, Whitcomb DC, Windsor JA, Petrov MS; Pancreatitis
Across Nations Clinical Research and Education Alliance (PANCREA).
Z Gastroenterol. 2013
Jun;51(6):544-50. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1335526. Epub 2013 Jun 5. 20. Marwah
S, Mangal H, Shivran KD,
Marwah N. Pedunculated leiomyoma of the uterus presenting as a large
abdominal mass. OA Case Reports 2013 Nov 15;2(14):138. 21.
Massimo Sartelli, Fausto Catena, Salomone Di
Saverio, Luca Ansaloni, Mark Malangoni, Ernest E Moore, Frederick A Moore, Rao Ivatury, Raul Coimbra,
Ari Leppaniemi1, Walter Biff,
Yoram Kluger,Gustavo Fraga, Carlos A Ordonez, Sanjay Marwah, Igor Gerych, Jae Gil Lee, Cristian Tranà, Federico Coccolini,
Francesco Corradetti, James Kirkby-Bott. Current concept of abdominal sepsis: WSES position paper. World
Journal of Emergency Surgery 2014, 9;22. 22. Marwah S, Shivran KD, MS, Gurawalia
J, Pandey S, Sen J. Idiopathic Acquired Unilateral Breast Atrophy in an Adult
Woman. The Breast Journal, Volume 20 Number 4, 2014, 423–424. DOI:
10.1111/tbj.12289 23. Massimo
Sartelli, Fausto Catena, Luca Ansaloni, Federico Coccolini, Davide Corbella,
Ernest E Moore, Mark Malangoni, George Velmahos, Raul Coimbra, Kaoru Koike,
Ari Leppaniemi, Walter Biff, Zsolt Balogh, Cino Bendinelli, Sanjay Gupta,
YoramKluger, Ferdinando Agresta, Salomone Di Saverio, Gregorio Tugnoli, Elio
Jovine, Carlos A Ordonez, James F Whelan, Gustavo P Fraga, Carlos Augusto
Gomes, Gerson Alves Pereira Junior, Kuo-Ching Yuan, Miklosh Bala, Miroslav P
Peev, Offir Ben-Ishay, Yunfeng Cui, Sanjay
Marwah, et al. Complicated intra-abdominal infections worldwide: the
definitive data of the CIAOW Study. World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2014,
9:37. doi:10.1186/1749-7922-9-37. 24. Marwah S, Pandey S, Shivran KD, Singla P, Sharma H, Rohilla
S. Cysto-cholecystostomy: A new technique for management of hilar biliary
disruption due to a large hydatid cyst liver. OA Case Reports 2014 Aug
18;3(7):61. 25. Massimo
Sartelli, Mark A Malangoni, Addison K May, Pierluigi Viale, Lillian S Kao,
Fausto Catena, Luca Ansaloni, Ernest E Moore, Fred A Moore, Andrew B
Peitzman, Raul Coimbra, Ari Leppaniemi, Yoram Kluger, Walter Biff, Kaoru
Koike, Massimo Girardis, Carlos A Ordonez, Mario Tavola, Miguel Cainzos,
Salomone Di Saverio, Gustavo P Fraga, Igor Gerych, Michael D Kelly, Korhan
Taviloglu, Imtiaz Wani, Sanjay Marwah,et
al. World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) guidelines for management of
skin and soft tissue infections. World
Journal of Emergency Surgery 2014 9:57. doi:10.1186/1749-7922-9-57. 26. Massimo
Sartelli, Frederick A Moore, Luca Ansaloni, Salomone Di Saverio, Federico
Coccolini, Ewen A Griffiths, Raul Coimbra, Ferdinando Agresta, Boris
Sakakushev, Carlos A Ordoñez, Fikri M Abu-Zidan, Aleksandar Karamarkovic,
Goran Augustin, David Costa Navarro, Jan Ulrych, Zaza Demetrashvili, Renato B
Melo, Sanjay Marwah, et al. A
proposal for a CT driven classification of left colon acute diverticulitis.
World Journal of Emergency Surgery 2015, 10:3. doi:10.1186/1749-7922-10-3. 27. Marwah
S, Mangal H, Singh M,
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Professor, Surgery-V
Dr. R.K.
Karwasra, Senior Professor & Head Publications in the books
Technological advances in Surgical Management
of Cancer- Relevance to Indian Scenario: 150-154; 2003, Chapter in the
book on "50 years of Cancer Control in 2.
Reliability of 5 nucleotidase as a predictor
of hepatic metastasis. Abstract
Book No. 1, 16th International Cancer Congress 30 Oct. – 5 Nov.
1994 New Delhi, India. 3.
Circumferential mucosectomy – A new way to
treat haemorrhoids. Book on
Proceedings of XIV Asia Pacific Federation Congress and 47th
Annual Conference of 4.
Insulinoma – A disease bound to have
diagnostic delay. Book on
proceedings of XIV Asia Pacific Federation Congress and 47th Annual
Conference of International College of Surgeons, 8-11 Nov., 2001, 5.
Is there any role of identifying primary in
patients presenting with metastasis of unknown origin (MUO)? Book on
proceedings of XIV Asia Pacific Federation Congress and 47th Annual
Conference of International College of Surgeons, 8-11 Nov., 2001, 6.
Reasons of delay in cancer management at various
levels. International Jr. of cancer.
18th UICC international cancer congress 30th
June – 5th July 2002 7.
Evaluation of fine needle aspiration cytology
(FNAC) in the intra abdominal masses, Souvenir-cum-Year Book, 8.
Secondaries neck – Current concept of
management. CME Book
- Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of Dr. R.K.
Karwasra, Senior Professor & Head Publications in the Journals
Esophageal Carcinoma in a 17 years old man. Karwasra RK, Yadav V, Bansal AR. The
American Journal of Gastroenterology April 1999; 94 (Number 4): 1122-23. 2.
Neuroendocrine (Markel Cell) carcinoma of
skin: Cytological findings – A case report. Singh S, Kalra, Karwasra RK,
Singh U, Mathur SK, Arora B. Journal of Cytology 2001;18(3): 177-80. 3.
Extrarenal Calyces – a rarity. Urologia internationalis 2002; 71:331-332. 4.
Liver Cell Dysplasia - A case
Report. Singh S,
Kalra R, Richa, Karwasra RK, Singh U, Arora B. Journal of Cytology 2002;19
(4): 209-211. 5.
Clinical thermometer - a rarely ingested
foreign body. Singla SL,
Karwasra RK, Singh B, Ruby AS, Jindal O. Tropical Doctor 2002; 32:245-246. 6.
Prostatic Calculi – a diagnostic dilemma. Godara R, Garg P, Karwasra RK. Tropical
doctor April 2003;33:105. 7.
Spontaneous transmural migration of surgical
sponge – A case report Asian J. Surgery 2006; 29: 44-45. Godara Rajesh, Marwah Sanjay, Karwasra RK,
Goel Rohit, Sen Jyotsena, Singh Ramender. 8.
Pilimiction: A diagnostic symptom of ovarian
dermoid cyst. Rajesh Godara, RK Karwasra, Pradeep Pradeep, Neeraj Sharma. The
internet journal of gynaecology and obstetrics. 2006. Vol. 6 No. 1. 9.
Epigastric lump : An
unusual presentation of erosive hemorrhagic gastritis. Marwah S, Godara R,
Sindhu D, Marwah S, Godara R, Sindhu D, Karwasra R.K. The Internet Journal of
Surgery 2007, 13 (1). 10.
Spontaneous gallbladder perforation presenting
as abdominal wall abscess. Marwah S, Godara R, Sindhu D, Karwasra R.K. The
internet Journal of Surgery 2007, 12 (2) 11.
Torsion of a wandering spleen
: A rare cause of acute abdomen. Marwah S, Godara R, Marwah N,
Karwasra R.K. The Internet Journal of Gastroenterology 2007, 6 (1). 12.
Routine parathyroid autotransplantation during
subtotal thyroidectomy for benign thyroid disease. Marwah S, Godara R, Kapoor
A, Marwah N, Karwasra R.K. The Internet Journal of Surgery 2007, 11 (1). 13.
Comparative evaluation of autologous versus
allogenous blood transfusion following traumatic hemothrorax and
hemoperitoneum. Marwah S, Godara R, Subramanian P, Marwah N, Karwasra R.K.
The Internet Journal of Surgery 2007, 10 (1). 14.
Tension capnothorax during laparoscopic
transhiatal oesophagectomy Bala R, Saini S,Dureja
JC, Kad N, Thakur A, Kiran S, Prasad S, Karwasara R SAJAA 2008; 14(5): 45-46.
( South African Journal of Anaesthesia and
Analgesia) 15.
Extensive tracheal injury in penetrating neck
trauma – a case report and management discussion. Dalal S, Karwasra RK,
Parshad S. European Surgery 2010; 42(5):237-240. National
Unusual foreign body in the rectum. Yadav SP, Garg S, Karwasra R, Marya SKS. SDMH Journal
June 1989; 78-79. 2.
A Profile of thyroid disorders. Keswani RK,
Arora BK, Priya D, Seth KK, Karwasra R. Haryana Medical Journal July 1989;
203-205. 3.
Fine needle aspiration cytology: Surgeon’s
view. Karwasra R, Marya R, Singh S. Haryana Medical Journal Sept. 1989;
9(12): 260-270. 4.
Management of hydronephrosis. Haryana Medical Journal Oct. 1989; 13-16. 5.
Contemporary scenario of cancer in Singh S,
Chhabra HL, Ravi B, Marya R, 6.
Modern sterilization techniques. Singh S, Sharma S, Karwasra R,
Chhabra HL. Souvenir-cum-Year Book. FESTIMA – 1989. 7.
Urethral Injury and its emergency care. Marya SKS, Gupta A, Arora Y, Karwasra R. Haryana Medical Journal
1989-90; 101-102. 8.
Diagnostic accuracy of FNAC in Abdominal Mass
Lesions. Karwasra R, Sanwal BL, Kalra VB. S.D.M.H. Journal June 1990; 14 No.
1: 11-14. 9.
Pharyngeal diverticulum – A case report. Singh S, Yadav SPS, Karwasra R. S.D.M.H. Journal June 1990; 14 No.1:
85-86. 10.
Concept of Oncosurgery – Our experience. Newsletter Indian Association of Surgical Oncology October 1999;
7-10. 11.
A new Innovative Method of Nasogastric
Aspiration. Karwasra
RK, Yadav V, Bansal AR, Dhall JC The Indian Practitioner December 1999; 52
(No. 12): 834-836. 12.
Role of Progesterone in malignant cachexia. Karwasra RK, Yadav V, Jain R, Goyal V, Sehgal A. Surgery July 2000; 5
(No. 5): 16-19. 13.
Is Ryles tube aspiration mandatory after bowel
surgery? Karwasra RK, Bansal
AR, Malik V, Khurana P. The Indian Practitioner Nov. 2000; 53 (No. 11):
731-734. 14.
Implantation malignancy after laparoscopic
cholecystectomy. Karwasra
RK, Yadav V, Garg P, Jain R, Goel M, Ind J Gastroenterol Jan.–Feb.2001;
20:36. 15.
Minilap cholecystectomy in acute cholocystitis
in the laparoscopic era. Surg.2001;5(No1):6-8. 16.
Artificial Dentures in esophagus –
Masquerading as carcinoma. SDMH Journal March 2001; 24 (No. 4). 17.
A palpably enlarged hard gallbladder can be
tubercular. Karwasra RK, Jain R,
Yadav R Ind J Gastroenterol May-June 2001; 20: 120. 18.
Foreign body impacted in rectum – A case
report. Godara R,
Yadav V, Karwasra RK, Garg P, Jain R. Haryana Med J Dec. 2001;21(No.11):8-9. 19.
Slipped dentures in esophagus - some facts. Yadav
SPS, Garg P, Karwasra RK, Yadav V, Godara R. Ind J Gastroenterol Nov. Dec.
2001; 20(6): 249. 20.
Quality of life in cancer patients: An
objective view. Karwasra
RK, Malik V, Godara R., Agrawal N, Garg P. Medicine Update 2001;21(8):11-12. 21.
An unusual metastasis from carcinoma
esophagus. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology June 2002; 21 (5): 207. 22.
Spontaneous regression of medullary carcinoma
thyroid. Karwasra RK, Godara R, Garg P. The Indian Practitioner July 2002; 55
(7): 462-63. 23.
Stomach rupture in blunt abdominal trauma – a
case report. Garg P, Karwasra RK, Godara R. HMJ May-June 2002, Vol. 22 (2). 24.
Colostomy Site Recurrence - An Unusual Cause
of Intestinal Obstruction. Godara R, Karwasra
RK. The Indian Practitioner February 2003; 56(2): 130-131. 25.
Evaluation of Primary duct closure v/s T-tube
drainage following Choledochotomy. Parshad S, Karwasra RK, Marwah S, Singh I.
Ind. Journal of Gastroenterology 2004, 23: 227-8. 26.
Insulinoma – Is diagnostic delay inevitable. Karwasra RK, Parshad
S. Abstract published in Supplement to journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery.
Vol. 8 No. 7S, 2004 page 91A. 27.
Primary Hepatic Carcinoid – A rarity. Karwasra RK, Parshad
S. Abstract published in Supplement to Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery.
Vo. 8 No. 7S, 2004 page 91A. 28.
Eosinophilic Cholangiopathy - a rare benign disorder. Karwasra RK, Chawla
YK, Dhiman RK, Duseja A, Parshad S. Abstract published in Supplement to
journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. Vol. 8 No. 7S, 2004 page 246A. 29.
Addition of Rectus sheath relaxation incisions
to emergency midline laparotomy for peritonitis for prevention of fasicial
dehiscence. Marwah S, Marwah N, Singh M, Kapoor A, Karwasra RK.World J. Surgery DOI : 10.1007/s 00268-004-7538-6. Issue : Online first. 27 January 2005. 30.
Strangulated femoral hernia presenting as
parietal wall emphysema. Marwah S, Marwah N,
Sandhu DS, Karwasra RK. 31.
Malignant Brenner Tumour – A Case Report. Marwah N, Mathur SK,
Marwah S, Singh S, Karwasra RK, Arora B. Ind. J Pathol Microbiol 2005; 48:
251-2. 32.
Chondrosarcoma of the Chest Wall. Tandon S, Gupta Kb,
Manchanda M, Marwah S, Karwasra RK, Bhardwaj M. Radiation Oncology
2005; 5:35-6. 33.
Small Bowel Fistula following Abdominal
Drainage – An Iatrogenic Complication. Marwah S, Sandhu DS,
Marwah N, Karwasra RK. Indian Practitioner 2005; 58:715-6. 34.
Infected primary intramuscular echinococcosis
of thigh. Marwah S, Subramanian
P, Marwah N, Rattan KN, Karwasra RK. Ind J Pediatrics 2005; 72:37- 35.
Old Is Gold-Packing has role. Godara R, Marwah S,
Karwasra RK. The Antiseptic 2006; 103:82. 36.
Neck Dissections in Head & Neck Cancer. Parshad S,
Karwasra RK. Radiation Oncology 2006;6(2):85-89 37.
Gangresnous Cystitis: An unusual complication
of catheterization in an immunocompromised patient. Marwah S, Godara R, Goel
A, Marwah N, Karwasra RK. Journal of pelvic medicine & surgery 2007; 13
(1): 33-4. 38.
Early enteral nutrition following
gastrointestinal anastomosis. Marwah S,
Godara R, Goyal R, Marwah N, Karwasra RK. The internet journal of
gastroenterology 2008; 7(1). 39.
Profile of breast cancer patients at a
tertiary care hospital in North India. Sandhu
DS, Sandhu S, Karwasra RK, Marwah S.Indian J Cancer.
2010; 47:16-22. 40.
Femoral pseudoaneurysm in
drug addicts: Hunterian ligation still a gold standard. B.K.
Arora, S. Parshad, R K Karwasra, V Saroha. JIMA 2011; 109: 433-4. 41.
cholecystectomy in a patient with portal cavernoma. Arora
BK, Parshad Sanjeev, Karwasra RK, Yadav Anand, Tripathi Mayank, Singh
Surender. Indian Hernia Society Newsletter May 2012, Vol. 6, No.2. 42.
Reproductive risk factors
associated with breast carcinoma in a tertiary care institute of north India:
A case control study. Babita
J, Kumar N, Karwasra RK, Malik JS, Singh M, Kaur A. Indian Journal of Cancer
/ July-Sept 2012/vol 49/issue 3. 43.
haemorrhoidectomy under pudental block: Day Surgery. BK
Arora, Samir Anand, Shekhar Gogna, Sanjeev Parshad, RK Karwasra, Day
Surgery Journal of India. 2013-14;10:7-10. 44.
Ganglion of wrist: Minimum
invasive treatment by loop suture. BK
Arora, Samir Anand, Shekhar Gogna, Sanjeev Parshad, RK Karwasra, Day
Surgery Journal of India. 2013-14;10:19-21. 45.
Video-assisted thoracic
surgery for tubercular spondylitis. Roop
Singh, Paritosh Gogna, Sanjeev Parshad, Rajender Kumar Karwasra, Parmod Kumar
Karwasra, Kiranpreet Kaur. Minimally
Invasive Surgery. Volume 2014, Article ID 963497, 8 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/963497 46.
Asymptomatic presentation
of congenital diaphragmatic hernia in an adult. Arora
BK, Karwasra RK, Anand Samir, Bansal Vishal, Gupta Ashish, Singh Jeevan,
News Letter – 2013;10:3. 47.
Massive superficial
varicocities of great saphenous vein due to valvular aplasia. Arora
BK, Karwasra RK, Anand Samir, Bansal Vishal, Gupta Ashish. ATCVSI
News Letter – 2013;9:4. 48.
Calcium doebisilate in
treatment of varicose ulcers. Arora
BK, Karwasra RK, Anand Samir, Bansal Vishal, Gupta Ashish, Sarwa P. ATCVSI
News Letter – 2013;10:5. 49.
Pattern of trauma at a
Government tertiary care teaching hospital of Haryana. Verma
Surender, Karwasra RK, Garg Pradeep, Verma Anjali, Godara Rajesh, Yadav
Sunil, Naveen. J of
Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; vol.3,Issue
26, June 30; Page:7143-49. 50.
Video Assisted Thoracic surgery for
Tuberculosis spondylitis Singh Roop,
Paritosh Gogna, Prashad Sanjeev, Karwasra RK, Karwasra Parmod, Kaur
Kiranpreet Minimal invasive surgery 2014, Article ID 963497, Pages 8 HTTP://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/963497 51.
Management of Parotid Fistula/Sinus with
sodium Tetradecyl sulphate. International
journal of enhanced research in medicines & dental case Arora BK, Gupta Ashish, Prashad
Sanjeev, Karwasra RK, Gogna Shekhar Vol 1, Issue 10 Dec. 2014 Pages 27-29 52.
Effect of Preoperative Vitamin D deficiency on
postoperative hypocalcemia after thyroid surgery. Tripathi
Mayank, Karwasra RK, Parshad Sanjeev Thyroid research 2014, 7:8 53.
The enigma of removing a chest tube in
Thoracic trauma Tripathi
Mayank, Yadav Rajesh, Karwasra RK, Prashad Sanjeev DOI
10.1007/12055-015-0363.8 54.
An analysis of role of FNAC for diagnosing
thyroid cancer Arora
Bhavinder, Rajan Shiv, Ranga Raj Hans, Parshad Sanjeev, Karwasra R.K. 55.
Comparative analysis of clinical, radiological
and operative findings in acute abdomen Arora
Bhavinder, Gupta Ashish, Nandi Saurabh, Sarwal Ankush, Goyal Priya, Gogna
Shekhar, Karwasra R.K. 79. Comparative analysis of clinical
radiological and operative findings in acute abdomen. P.Goyal, S Gogna, RK Karwasra. International Journal of Enhanced Research in
Medicines & Dental Care, ISSN: 2349-1590 Vol. 2 Issue 1, January-2015 pp: (3-6). 80. Retroperitoneal lymphangioma in an adult : A case report of a rare clinical entity. Mayank Tripathi, Sanjeev Parshad, Rajender Kumar Karwasra, Ashish Gupta, Saket Srivastva, and Ankush Sarwal. Case
Report on Surgery Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 732531,
4 pages. 81. Pectoralis major
myocutaenous flap in head and neck reconstruction – An experience in 100
consecutive cases. M Tripathi,
S Parsahad, RK Karwasra, Virender Singh. National
Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery. Natl
J Maxillofac Surg. 2015 Jan-Jun; 6(1): 37–41. 82. Ultrasound guided
celiac plexus neurolysis by anterior approach for pain management in upper
abdominal malignancy – Our experience. Anju Ghai,
Hamesh Kumar, RK Karwasra, Nandita Kad. An international
journal of Anesthesiology, Pain Management, Intensive Care &
Resuscitation ISSN 1607-8322, ISSN
(Online) 2220-5799 83. The enigma of
removing a chest tube in thoracic trauma. Mayank
Tripathi, Rajesh Yadav, Rajender Kumar Karwasra, Sanjeev Parshad. Indian
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery June 2015, Volume 31, Issue 2, pp 148-152. 84. Imaging quiz Vol. 33
(2). Tripathi, M., Parshad, S. &
Karwasra, R.K., (2015). Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery. 33(2),
p.32. Image quiz Vol. 33(2). 85. Comparison of
continuous versus interrupted abdominal fascia closure in patients of
perforation peritonitis using Polydioxanone (PDS) suture: A Prospective study
of 50 cases. Rajender
Kumar Karwasra, Satish Dalal, Vipul Bakshi. International
Journal of Enhanced Research in Medicines & Dental Care, ISSN : 2349 – 1590, Vo. 3 Issue 3, February -2016. 86. Surgical Emergencies
in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A Brief Overview. Anjali Verma, Surender Verma, Pradeep Garg,
Rajesh Godara, RK Karwasra, Naveen Verma. Indian Journal of Medical
Contemporary Medical Research. Volume 3 | Issue 3 | March 2016 | ICV:
50.43 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379 87. Bilateral Synchronus Askin’s Tumor– Case
Report & Review of Literature. Shekar Gogna, Sanjeev
Parshad, R.K. Karwasra, Priya Goyal. Indian Journal of
Surgical Oncology March 2016, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp 124-126. 88 Blockage of feeding
jejunostomy tube by enteric coated tablet – A Rare Case. Animesh Raj, R.K.
Karwasra, Jeevan Singh Adhikari, Jenisha Raja. International
Journal of Enhanced Research in Medicines & Dental Care, ISSN : 2349 – 1590, Vo. 3 Issue 3, March -2016. Information in respect of Dr. Rajesh Godara, Professor
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS (Dr. Sanjeev Parshad), Professor INTERNATIONAL 1. Histopathological changes
following neoadjuvant chemotherapy in various malignancies Divya Sethi, Rajeev Sen, Sanjeev Parshad,
Sheena Kheterpal,Monika Garg, Jyotsana sen International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research.2012;2(2):111-6 (ISSN NO. 2229-516X) 2. Video assisted thoracic surgery
for tubercular spondylitis. R Singh, P Gogna, S Parshad, RK Karwasra, PK
Karwasra, K Kaur Minimally
Invasive Surgery Volume 2014, Article ID 963497, 8 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/963497 3. Management of Parotid
Fistula/Sinus with Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate B Arora, A Gupta, S Parshad, RK Karwasra, S
Gogna. International journal of Enhanced research in medicines
and dental care 2014;(10):27-29.(ISSN-2349-1590) 4. Effect of
vitamin D deficiency on postoperative hypocalcemia after thyroid surgery. M Tripathi,RK
Karwasra, S Parshad. Thyroid
Research 2014;7(1):8 pages 5. Immage quiz. M Tripathi, S Parshad, RK Karwasra. Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery
2015;33(2):32 6. Retro peritoneal
lymphangioma in an adult : a case report and
management discussion. Mayank Tripathi,
Sanjeev Parshad, Rajender Kumar Karwasra, Ashish Gupta, Saket Srivastva, and Ankush Sarwal. Case Reports in Surgery Volume 2015, Article ID
732531, 4 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/732531 NATIONAL 1. Femoral pseudoaneurysm in drug
addicts: Huntarian ligation- still a gold standard. B.K.Arora, S Parshad,
R.K. Karwasra, V Saroha. JIMA 2011;109:433-4 (ISSN NO.
0019-5847) 2. Histopatholigical changes
following neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer. D Sethi, R Sen, S Parshad, S Khetarpal, M Garg,
J Sen. Indian Journal of Cancer. 2013;50(1):58-64 (ISSN 0019-509X) 3. The enigma of removing a chest
tube in Thoracic trauma M Tripathi, R Yadav, RK Karwasra, S Parshad.
Indian Journal of Thoracic and
cardiovascular Surgery . Feb 2015.DOI
10.1007/s12055-015-0363-8 (ISSN 0973-7723)
4. Pectoralis Major Myocutaneous flap in head and neck reconstruction : an experience
in consecutive 100 cases Tripathi M, Parshad S, Karwasra RK, Singh V. National
Journal of maxillofascial
surgery.2015; Nov.16(6):37-41
Dr Satish Dalal, Prof. & Unit Head